Application For Bonafide Certificate For School & College

Are you worried about how to write an application for bonafide certificate? Or looking for some sample letter for bonafide certificate? If your answer is Yes, then you are at the right place.

In this article, I will try to give you complete information about how to write an application for bonafide certificate.

Application For Bonafide Certificate For School & College

A certificate of Bonafide is a type of document or certificate that is distributed to students of an educational institution to ensure that they belong to an organization. A company can also issue this certificate to any employee working there.


A Bonafide certificate is an official document issued by an educational institution or organization that certifies that a person is a student or an employee of the institution/organization. The certificate is typically required for various purposes, such as applying for scholarships, employment, or educational loans.

Importance of Bonafide certificate

  • A Bonafide certificate serves as a proof of identity for a student or an employee, and it is an important document for various official purposes.
  • A Bonafide certificate is often required for educational purposes, such as admission to a new school or college, applying for scholarships, or attending educational programs.
  • A Bonafide certificate may be required by employers to verify the employment status of an individuals
  • A Bonafide certificate may be required by banks and financial institutions while applying for educational loans or other financial products.

How to write an application for a Bonafide certificate

To obtain this certificate, you must first apply to the head of the institution or organization concerned. There are some institutes or organizations that may have a specific format of application form for this purpose and if there is no application form, the student can also write a letter.

  • Introduce yourself by mentioning your name and the purpose of the application.
  • Mention the details of the institution/organization for which you require the Bonafide certificate
  • Provide your personal details, such as your name, date of birth, and course/program in which you are enrolled.
  • Specify the purpose for which you require the Bonafide certificate, such as for admission to a new institution, for employment purposes, or for availing of government schemes.

Example 1: Application for bonafide certificate

The Principal,
New English Medium School,
Dadar, Mumbai

Subject: Application for bonafide certificate

Respected Sir / Madam,

With all due respect, I am writing this letter to inform you that I need a bonafide certificate from your school. Therefore, I request you to provide me with a bonafide certificate as soon as possible. I will be very grateful to you.

Your obedient student,
Sachin Pande,
Roll No: 05, Class- 7A

Example 2: Application for bonafide certificate

The Principal,
New English Medium School,
Dadar, Mumbai

Subject: Application for bonafide certificate for scholarship

Respected Sir / Madam,

With all due respect, I would like to inform you that I am from a very poor family and I can’t afford my college tuition. So, I need to apply for a government scholarship for which I have been asked to submit a bonafide certificate.

I request you to issue me a bonafide certificate as soon as possible.

Thank you.

Your obedient student,
Sachin Pande,
Roll No: 05, Class- 7A

Example 3: Application for bonafide certificate

The Principal,
New English Medium School,
Dadar, Mumbai

Subject: Application for bonafide certificate

Respected Sir / Madam,

With great respect, I request that I am a student of class 7A, Sachin Pande, roll number 05. I need a bonafide certificate as proof of residency to apply for my scholarship and to avail fee concession.

Kindly provide me the bonafide certificate the earliest. I will be grateful to you.

Your obedient student,
Sachin Pande,
Roll No: 05, Class- 7A

Example 4: Application for bonafide certificate

The Director,
New English Medium School,
Dadar, Mumbai

Subject: Application for bonafide certificate

Respected Sir / Madam,

With great respect, I wish to state that I am a student of 10th class, A division of your institution. I am writing this letter to request a bonafide certificate. I need this certificate to apply for a scholarship under the Mahatma Gandhi scholarship programme.

Therefore, I humbly request you to issue me the certificate as soon as possible. Hope you will consider my request.

Thank you.

Your obedient student,
Sachin Pande,
Roll No: 05, Class- 10th A


A Bonafide certificate is an important document that serves as proof of identity and employment or educational status. It is an essential document for various official and personal purposes, and it helps individuals to avail of various benefits and opportunities.

What we have read today

So friends, in the above article, we have seen information about how to write application for bonafide certificate for school and college.

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